I'd like to ask these questions to each candidate and see if they know the answers without either of them hearing the other. Quite honestly, I know Biden can answer these. So, it is a seemingly unfair set of questions. Or is it? Shouldn't a VP of the United State know the answers and be able to talk about these intelligently?
What is the definition of stare decisis?
What is Title IX and why is it important?
Are you in support of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act ?
Explain the importance of Lawrence v. Texas .
What is an Executive Order ?
The Language of Debate
I'm not sure my schedule allows me to watch the Presidential debate tonight. I am having it TiVo-ed just in case. And there is always YouTube, too.
However, going back to my college days I remember a professor telling me something in a speech class ...
And about tonight, as we saw in 2000 and in 2004, the candidate that wins the debates doesn't necessarily win the election. Both campaigns should keep that in mind after it is completed.
Also, it might seem vain to quote myself. Well, it is vain, but screw it. I've been thinking a lot about a post I wrote years ago at the other blog.
However, going back to my college days I remember a professor telling me something in a speech class ...
The person that creates and masters the language, controls the debate.Think hard about that statement.
And about tonight, as we saw in 2000 and in 2004, the candidate that wins the debates doesn't necessarily win the election. Both campaigns should keep that in mind after it is completed.
Also, it might seem vain to quote myself. Well, it is vain, but screw it. I've been thinking a lot about a post I wrote years ago at the other blog.
I believe there is a subtle difference between urgent (last minute) and important (planned). Urgent is always a cop out. It is simply too easy and justified in the minds of the lunatic people. Everyone can agree when something is urgent. Urgent trumps important every time. Everyone gets heated over a crisis. Mistakes happen. People miss things. Urgent is easy because everyone agrees about Urgent. Urgent is vital. It is pressing ... Urgent sucks.Let's think about THAT tonight during the debates and not get too completely caught up in the Wall Street bailout as THE issue. No doubt the Bailout issue is important, indeed. But let's treat it that way and not panic in "urgent". Let's do this right.
No, I’d rather languish in Important. One can have a beer or a glass of wine and still deal with Important. One can study what is right and correct with the appropriate amount of time. Important is weighty. It is central and valuable. Nothing about Important says late and frantic.
Déjà Vu – A Work of Fiction
I’m shuffling in a line on the sidewalk downtown. Most of the cracks I’ve seen before and the sounds from the streets form that familiar soundtrack. Yet, today I’m heading to a lunch meeting with a colleague. I’m not sure who is to buy lunch this time. Thinking back to the last time we were together at the airport for lunch and there is a vague image of throwing down the debit card. It must be her turn today.
I’m early, way early, so I sit on the bench a few feet down from the restaurant with it’s generic, faux brick façade and black awning over the entrance. I people watch.
A couple college students appear around a corner wearing the most dressed down apparel allowed in public. They hold hands and wander by. She glances down at me with an equal assessment of my work clothes of grey dress slacks and a black, mock turtle neck with the company logo and my dull, black shoes in need of a shine. I watch myself walk by in the likeness of her boyfriend; faded jeans, ripped; extra large t-shirt on a medium sized body; sandals; and hair unkempt like he just woke up from a late night studying. Students. It is late-summer in California after all. I watch them slide into the tavern down the way, oblivious to anything else but the agenda of a beer on a Thursday afternoon and a chance to enjoy time on a slower pace than the working world.
A young couple comes to the corner. The husband is pushing a stroller and the little wheels aren’t handling the terrain very well. In fact, he pushes it into a crack crashing the baby forward and justifying the need for front-side airbags. The wife bitches and berates the husband who handles both the berating and the change in the sidewalk with a sense of evenhanded calm. He isn't a rookie and quickly changes the subject pointing to the sandwich shop across the street. He found their destination. He glances my direction and gives me that male silent head butt of recognition that guys do after they inadvertently make eye contact. I smile back in immediate understanding.
A man I recognize from somewhere comes zipping around the corner. He is talking on the cell phone. He wears the uniform that all appropriate professionals of about 40 something dress in California; khaki pants and a polo-style shirt. He is hyper with business but stops, still talking, to drop two quarters into the slot and pull out a local paper. He folds it under his arm and continues walking down the street. He looks at me in similar recognition, waves cordially, mouths a hello, and rushes away having never stopped deliberating with the voice on the other end of the phone. I take a deep breath and wave a belated hello with two fingers in response to his backside. He's already onto the next thing. He disappears into a stairwell leading up to some offices.
I spread my fingers wide on my thighs. My hands are a bit sweaty. Flipping them over the lines in my palms look exaggerated and scarred. What was and is has merged into a question.
“Hellooooo, Mud?”
My collegue is standing squarely in front of me with a quizzical expression waving her arms to get my attention. I’ve been staring at my hands and probably looking lost and deranged.
“Hi there! Sorry, I was ... uhm ... remembering something I might have forgotten. Or didn’t forget. Or ... Both ... How are you?”
We saunter into the tavern. Lunch was then uneventful and unrecognizable.
I’m early, way early, so I sit on the bench a few feet down from the restaurant with it’s generic, faux brick façade and black awning over the entrance. I people watch.
A couple college students appear around a corner wearing the most dressed down apparel allowed in public. They hold hands and wander by. She glances down at me with an equal assessment of my work clothes of grey dress slacks and a black, mock turtle neck with the company logo and my dull, black shoes in need of a shine. I watch myself walk by in the likeness of her boyfriend; faded jeans, ripped; extra large t-shirt on a medium sized body; sandals; and hair unkempt like he just woke up from a late night studying. Students. It is late-summer in California after all. I watch them slide into the tavern down the way, oblivious to anything else but the agenda of a beer on a Thursday afternoon and a chance to enjoy time on a slower pace than the working world.
A young couple comes to the corner. The husband is pushing a stroller and the little wheels aren’t handling the terrain very well. In fact, he pushes it into a crack crashing the baby forward and justifying the need for front-side airbags. The wife bitches and berates the husband who handles both the berating and the change in the sidewalk with a sense of evenhanded calm. He isn't a rookie and quickly changes the subject pointing to the sandwich shop across the street. He found their destination. He glances my direction and gives me that male silent head butt of recognition that guys do after they inadvertently make eye contact. I smile back in immediate understanding.
A man I recognize from somewhere comes zipping around the corner. He is talking on the cell phone. He wears the uniform that all appropriate professionals of about 40 something dress in California; khaki pants and a polo-style shirt. He is hyper with business but stops, still talking, to drop two quarters into the slot and pull out a local paper. He folds it under his arm and continues walking down the street. He looks at me in similar recognition, waves cordially, mouths a hello, and rushes away having never stopped deliberating with the voice on the other end of the phone. I take a deep breath and wave a belated hello with two fingers in response to his backside. He's already onto the next thing. He disappears into a stairwell leading up to some offices.
I spread my fingers wide on my thighs. My hands are a bit sweaty. Flipping them over the lines in my palms look exaggerated and scarred. What was and is has merged into a question.
“Hellooooo, Mud?”
My collegue is standing squarely in front of me with a quizzical expression waving her arms to get my attention. I’ve been staring at my hands and probably looking lost and deranged.
“Hi there! Sorry, I was ... uhm ... remembering something I might have forgotten. Or didn’t forget. Or ... Both ... How are you?”
We saunter into the tavern. Lunch was then uneventful and unrecognizable.
Frodo Gives The Ring to King George and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson
I so want to go back to just being a divorced, daddy blog and talk about my kids and music and self-amusing anecdotes of life. I’m trying so hard not to turn this blog into a political thing again (like Mudholer became at times).
But when the chain of events lead to the American public giving ONE MAN $700,000,000,000 with no means of oversight or accountability, I have to simply say, “No!” with a capital ‘N’. No is the only responsible word here.
Now, I don’t know much about Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. He is probably a good man. (I tend to trust the good in people first, even politicians. I know, it is a fault of mine and I’m working on that issue.) And I’m sure he knows a kazillion more about the financial system than I do, but … but… But THIS wording from the Bush Administration’s proposal simply can’t be more of the ‘King George’ stuff, can it?
How is this not taxation without representation at its best?
I understand this is serious. This is like when Frodo offers The Ring to those in the Fellowship of the Nine to take the burden as Ring Bearer. The only ones you CAN trust are the ones that DON’T want that much sole power.
So, the reason I don’t want this nice Mr. Paulson to get all this money is precisely because he says he wants it and to trust him. And I’d rather trust a slower moving bureaucracy with oversight and accountability than anointing a king.
But when the chain of events lead to the American public giving ONE MAN $700,000,000,000 with no means of oversight or accountability, I have to simply say, “No!” with a capital ‘N’. No is the only responsible word here.
Now, I don’t know much about Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. He is probably a good man. (I tend to trust the good in people first, even politicians. I know, it is a fault of mine and I’m working on that issue.) And I’m sure he knows a kazillion more about the financial system than I do, but … but… But THIS wording from the Bush Administration’s proposal simply can’t be more of the ‘King George’ stuff, can it?
Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.So, let me get this straight. We’re handing over $700 Billion to one man in exchange for a promise, a promise with no public or even judicial review? This guy gets our money to do as he pleases without accountability, without interference? Well, let’s just throw this whole democracy thing right out the window.
How is this not taxation without representation at its best?
I understand this is serious. This is like when Frodo offers The Ring to those in the Fellowship of the Nine to take the burden as Ring Bearer. The only ones you CAN trust are the ones that DON’T want that much sole power.
So, the reason I don’t want this nice Mr. Paulson to get all this money is precisely because he says he wants it and to trust him. And I’d rather trust a slower moving bureaucracy with oversight and accountability than anointing a king.
A Safe Place
When I get into the house every other Friday, I’m typically not prepared to cook for either me or the kids. The Girlie and I do the weekly shopping on our Saturday morning ritual. So, Fridays tend to be pizza night. Last night was no exception. I still push for the three of us to at least sit down, stare at each other, and for me anyway, try to catch up on the missed week of my children’s lives. Sometimes all I get is a “not much”. Sometimes I get last night.
Between bites of pizza at a quiet moment, The Girlie asked me “Why are we still at war in Iraq? The news showed some little kids that were lost. I don’t like that at all.”
I was briefly taken aback and over chewed my pizza, hiding behind a façade of a smile so I could think about my explanation. I needed to think of comforting fatherly words to ward off the evil world that wormed its way into my daughter’s consciousness. I fished for the words that could blur the edges of an impoverished child or tanks or soldiers or worse.
I will admit, I’ve wanted to see more of what the war is all about on tv. I don’t believe it is good to hide our actions from the American people. We already seem to be a culture of sheep to a certain extent. I believe if we actually could see all the caskets with draped American flags and more of the devastation these leadership decisions have caused, the American public (I’m talking mostly about the Republican conservative folks) might not have been as supportive.
However, in this moment with my kids I was torn and I knew with frightened clarity that events happen every day. This wasn’t just about the war. I was actually a bit relieved she didn’t ask me about the fall of the American financial world, as I’m not sure I could have really explained that to my nine year old. Not sure I could explain it to me right now. But it was immediately apparent there is a new nightmare nearly every day. Nine year olds must ponder these things all the time. Or they blindly choose to ignore it all and go naively playing with their dolls all sugar and spice with everything nice.
If given the choice to rewind those moments for her, I would have gladly hit the double arrowed left button and rerecorded a newer, nicer video over her Memorex. After all, in spite of my personal world-view, I am her father. I’m Daddy. I protect. It is my job more than any other. If a part of this life didn’t depend on the tv as baby-sitter whilst I prepare dinner (and my addiction to big screen football Sunday), the tv would be on the curb.
Yet, the news is the news. It is on tv every night, and despite the lack of a credible reality counter for the Good to balance it all out, it should be a reminder to all of us that life is not fair. There is no escaping the injustices this world forces upon us. Dark things exist around some of the most seemingly normal places looking all rainbows and ribbons.
And that clue is what The Girlie wanted to know. She is a smart girl and getting more grown up all the time. She simply wanted a version of the truth she could stomach.
So, without going into my politics I tried to explain the basics of the war in Iraq to a nine year old girl; how it started, why we are still there, and my hopes that we end it soon.
I watched her think. I was apprehensive. I’d given her too much to chew on, politically speaking. Her face scruntched up with cute, little thought lines above her eyebrows, “If Obama wins the election will he get us out of the war?”
That’s my girl, I thought as I took a swig of beer to down my bite of pizza. “I hope so,” I stated.
And that was that.
I sort of wish the conversation had turned back to the scary things. I know she sees a lot of it anyway. There are other kids that go to school with her where the parents have restraining orders. She knows kids from abuse. Hell, she knows life can go pretty quickly from an assumed happy family of four to a divorce and alternating parents every other week. She knows.
After dinner, I cuddled up with both kids for a rousing round of Rock Band on the PlayStation. And I wondered if my heart could slow down a bit and keep time with the drum beats coming at me on the screen. I think it is important for us all to laugh.
That is my counter. That is what I, as dad, do. Teach, warn, prepare, love, encourage, and provide that one and only safe place. Home.
Between bites of pizza at a quiet moment, The Girlie asked me “Why are we still at war in Iraq? The news showed some little kids that were lost. I don’t like that at all.”
I was briefly taken aback and over chewed my pizza, hiding behind a façade of a smile so I could think about my explanation. I needed to think of comforting fatherly words to ward off the evil world that wormed its way into my daughter’s consciousness. I fished for the words that could blur the edges of an impoverished child or tanks or soldiers or worse.
I will admit, I’ve wanted to see more of what the war is all about on tv. I don’t believe it is good to hide our actions from the American people. We already seem to be a culture of sheep to a certain extent. I believe if we actually could see all the caskets with draped American flags and more of the devastation these leadership decisions have caused, the American public (I’m talking mostly about the Republican conservative folks) might not have been as supportive.
However, in this moment with my kids I was torn and I knew with frightened clarity that events happen every day. This wasn’t just about the war. I was actually a bit relieved she didn’t ask me about the fall of the American financial world, as I’m not sure I could have really explained that to my nine year old. Not sure I could explain it to me right now. But it was immediately apparent there is a new nightmare nearly every day. Nine year olds must ponder these things all the time. Or they blindly choose to ignore it all and go naively playing with their dolls all sugar and spice with everything nice.
If given the choice to rewind those moments for her, I would have gladly hit the double arrowed left button and rerecorded a newer, nicer video over her Memorex. After all, in spite of my personal world-view, I am her father. I’m Daddy. I protect. It is my job more than any other. If a part of this life didn’t depend on the tv as baby-sitter whilst I prepare dinner (and my addiction to big screen football Sunday), the tv would be on the curb.
Yet, the news is the news. It is on tv every night, and despite the lack of a credible reality counter for the Good to balance it all out, it should be a reminder to all of us that life is not fair. There is no escaping the injustices this world forces upon us. Dark things exist around some of the most seemingly normal places looking all rainbows and ribbons.
And that clue is what The Girlie wanted to know. She is a smart girl and getting more grown up all the time. She simply wanted a version of the truth she could stomach.
So, without going into my politics I tried to explain the basics of the war in Iraq to a nine year old girl; how it started, why we are still there, and my hopes that we end it soon.
I watched her think. I was apprehensive. I’d given her too much to chew on, politically speaking. Her face scruntched up with cute, little thought lines above her eyebrows, “If Obama wins the election will he get us out of the war?”
That’s my girl, I thought as I took a swig of beer to down my bite of pizza. “I hope so,” I stated.
And that was that.
I sort of wish the conversation had turned back to the scary things. I know she sees a lot of it anyway. There are other kids that go to school with her where the parents have restraining orders. She knows kids from abuse. Hell, she knows life can go pretty quickly from an assumed happy family of four to a divorce and alternating parents every other week. She knows.
After dinner, I cuddled up with both kids for a rousing round of Rock Band on the PlayStation. And I wondered if my heart could slow down a bit and keep time with the drum beats coming at me on the screen. I think it is important for us all to laugh.
That is my counter. That is what I, as dad, do. Teach, warn, prepare, love, encourage, and provide that one and only safe place. Home.
Blogbutt Afternoon
Sometimes you have to pull down your pants and slide on the ice -- Sidney (M.A.S.H.)Ok. I apologize. I have a confession to make. And I know that what I am about to reveal may lose me one or two of my three readers, but it has to be shared. I think this is the funniest song I've ever heard.
Kimya Dawson just released a song called Alphabutt. The kids and I laughed so hard we fell on the floor. Then listened to it again. And again. This will easily be number one with a shot on my son's iPod.
This simply must be shared to the masses. So … blog, do your stuff. Spread the word.
Ok, sit.
Good, blog.
The Wrong Side of Wrong
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. - Thomas Paine - Common SenseLife these days seems to be more about being wrong or not being wrong (aka being right). It is front and center in politics and the looming November elections. It is prevalent in all things business (being wrong might lead to lawsuits). A state of wrongness seemed to be a constant issue playing a part in the downfall of my marriage and a current cornerstone in our post marriage conversations. Being wrong starts stuff we want to avoid, for some at all costs (lying, cover-ups, etc.).
Yet being correct or right is just normal. It goes unnoticed. Similar to good news in the media, being right or correct gets very little recognition. It doesn’t matter if one is honorable or righteous, one will still go to great lengths to get out of a situation where one has screwed up or made a mistake. And why? Why is being wrong so bad? Doesn’t it mean a decision was made? Something was acted upon?
I guess it leads me to the real point. Why do others thrive on pointing out ones errors? Why inflict heaps of discomfort on others by touting someone’s wrong? I get that it is a survival instinct. It stems as a bit of a martial art to deflect the attention off of oneself by pointing out the failings of another, no matter how much one cares or loves or likes the other person.
The world has come to a place where being right isn’t the goal. Just not being wrong, is.
Personally, I’ve observed how I deal with being in the wrong. I have an ego, too, so I don’t like being in that place any better than anyone else. But I also admit when I’ve made a mistake outright. I think most people to be fairly forgiving when I’m upfront and honest about my mistakes. I don’t deflect. I accept and move on. It is a lot less painful that way.
I guess I like to think it isn’t about proving wrongness in the world. Wrong happens. Maybe instead of feeling better by tearing one down, we should look to the other direction. One should be given the kudos for being right. Let’s forget seeking power by proving another wrong. The world would be a better place, yes?
It is just a thought. I could be wrong.
Dead Time
My watch died. It could be the battery. It is one of those self-winding deals. So I'm not sure and will try to find some "time" to take it in.
In the meantime, I've been window shopping. This, from Crispin Jones, I really, really like.
The only thing is I'd like to be able to recreate the schedule to reflect my actual typical day.
In the meantime, I've been window shopping. This, from Crispin Jones, I really, really like.

Privatize Social Security? I think NOT!
If I were on Obama's political writing team, Wall Street's news of the day would be front and center as a way to counter the Republican dream of privatizing Social Security.
It seems to me that if we had let McCain and Bush have their way with privatization there would be a lot more people, those who actually depend on social security to provide basic living needs, in dire straits this morning.
From this perspective, Social Security looks relatively safe today. Wall Street is soooo NOT.
It seems to me that if we had let McCain and Bush have their way with privatization there would be a lot more people, those who actually depend on social security to provide basic living needs, in dire straits this morning.
From this perspective, Social Security looks relatively safe today. Wall Street is soooo NOT.
Sean Penn's Country First Article
I respect Sean Penn. His acting talents are immense. And his politics just as dramatic (not always a positive, though). However, I think THIS article is probably one of the best written pleas for Americans to look at ourselves and how we should vote in November.
Still when a presidential candidate's campaign, incessantly exploits their man's heroic mythology, not withstanding whatever courage one may appoint John McCain, the long unspoken historical context remains worthy of at least brief consideration. Captain John McCain was shot down during Operation Rolling Thunder over Vietnam. From all accounts, he, and many other Americans faced their imprisonment with courage and integrity. An estimated 52,000 Vietnamese civilians - -men, women, and children, were incinerated as a result of Rolling Thunder's bombardment. McCain himself, has acknowledged that his participation was not motivated by patriotism. But, rather, in the pursuit of personal glory. And to what end? Well, to the end that resulted in a national tragedy, a lost war, and throngs of American veterans, ignored by the country, by the very parties and people that sent and kept them there. But despite the vainglorious devastation to both sides in that conflict, an unrepentant John McCain recently voted against veteran's benefits, those supported by his major opponent. This odd dichotomy begs the question: If John McCain, in reflection, offers no support for those that served beside him, nor those who serve today, what has experience provided him? And when a man regarded so highly in heroic terms of military service, confides personal glory as a common motivation to the young Americans who risk their lives, at what point would he acknowledge patriotism as something more considered than the glib hawkishness exulted by the Republican Convention? His choice of Palin is, once again, McCain's vainglorious head rising. It's about "winning," not serving. As Senator Joe Biden said this week, "Don't tell me your values, show me your budget and I'll tell you your values."
Life's Lyrics 11 - Forever to Reach
I get obsessed with songs. And I get obssessed with bands from time to time, as well. So, from my newly dubbed "favorite" band Pictures and Sound comes a song Forever to Reach.
There's a long line in front of me
Stretching out into infinity
And behind me it's the same thing
It takes a lot of strength to not collapse
As endless moments endlessly pass
And to make the most of where you're at
And realize ...
It took forever to reach and a moment to pass
Forever to reach and a moment to pass
It took forever to reach and a moment to pass
And now forever to vanish
We all travel at the speed of life
Hoping someday that we might arrive
But we're arriving all the time, all the time
The seasons turn and the rivers run
What we do now is what we will become
The young grow old and the old grow young
It's called life
It took forever to reach and a moment to pass
Forever to reach and a moment to pass
It took forever to reach and a moment to pass
And now forever to vanish
Close your eyes right now and count to ten
You're a different person than you were just then
We'll never get this chance again
It took forever to reach and a moment to pass
It took forever to reach and a moment to pass
It took forever to reach and a moment to pass
And now forever to vanish
It took forever to reach and a moment to pass
And now forever to vanish
NFL Week 2 Prognostication
There aren’t a lot of games I feel good about this week. When that happens I tend to take a lot of favorites. Not sure that is good, though.
Green Bay Packers at Detroit Lions (+2.5)
Yes. I pick the Lions every week because I am a Detroit homer. However, I’m hanging my hat on the fact the home team is 16-5-1 against the spread in the last 22 games. Given the fact the over is 6-2 over the last 8 meetings in Detroit this is going to be a burner. The Lions have a decent offense and the defense is better than last week’s debacle (I hope). The Packers, I believe, come back to earth a bit and might struggle with their ground game this week as their Running Backs are hurt. Take the Lions and the points (and hope the Lions don’t fall behind by 21 points in the first quarter again).
San Francisco 49ers (+6.5) at Seattle Seahawks
A handful of telling stats with the first on being the 9ers are 2-9 against the spread over the last 11 NFC games and 3-9 against the spread in their last 12 games overall. Now, the Seahawks are 7-3 against the spread vs. the last 10 NFC opponents. Also, the Seahawks ALWAYS beat the 9ers at home. It is just a matter of figuring out by how much. So, I’m taking the Seahawks to beat the 9ers by a touchdown (or more).
New England Patriots (+2.5) at New York Jets
The return of Spy-Gate. When was the last time you saw the Patriots as an underdog? Brady means THAT much? Or does Favre mean THAT much? Hmmm. The stat I jumped to is that the favorite is 7-2-1 against the spread over the last 10 games between these two teams. Granted, most of those have come from a Brady lead Patriots team. But I’m sticking with the stat. The New York Brets win by more than a field goal.
Pittsburgh Steelers at Cleveland Browns (+5.5)
First of all, the Steelers are simply a better organization. That translates into 7-1-1 against the spread in the last 9 games with the Browns. Plus, the road team has gone 7-3-1 against the spread in the last 11 meetings. This is just a hunch game for me where I don’t see the Browns doing much. I actually thing the spread could be higher. I’m taking the Steelers in a blowout on Sunday night.
Green Bay Packers at Detroit Lions (+2.5)
Yes. I pick the Lions every week because I am a Detroit homer. However, I’m hanging my hat on the fact the home team is 16-5-1 against the spread in the last 22 games. Given the fact the over is 6-2 over the last 8 meetings in Detroit this is going to be a burner. The Lions have a decent offense and the defense is better than last week’s debacle (I hope). The Packers, I believe, come back to earth a bit and might struggle with their ground game this week as their Running Backs are hurt. Take the Lions and the points (and hope the Lions don’t fall behind by 21 points in the first quarter again).
San Francisco 49ers (+6.5) at Seattle Seahawks
A handful of telling stats with the first on being the 9ers are 2-9 against the spread over the last 11 NFC games and 3-9 against the spread in their last 12 games overall. Now, the Seahawks are 7-3 against the spread vs. the last 10 NFC opponents. Also, the Seahawks ALWAYS beat the 9ers at home. It is just a matter of figuring out by how much. So, I’m taking the Seahawks to beat the 9ers by a touchdown (or more).
New England Patriots (+2.5) at New York Jets
The return of Spy-Gate. When was the last time you saw the Patriots as an underdog? Brady means THAT much? Or does Favre mean THAT much? Hmmm. The stat I jumped to is that the favorite is 7-2-1 against the spread over the last 10 games between these two teams. Granted, most of those have come from a Brady lead Patriots team. But I’m sticking with the stat. The New York Brets win by more than a field goal.
Pittsburgh Steelers at Cleveland Browns (+5.5)
First of all, the Steelers are simply a better organization. That translates into 7-1-1 against the spread in the last 9 games with the Browns. Plus, the road team has gone 7-3-1 against the spread in the last 11 meetings. This is just a hunch game for me where I don’t see the Browns doing much. I actually thing the spread could be higher. I’m taking the Steelers in a blowout on Sunday night.
Voice of Satan
Mythbusters. I'm becoming a big fan... check this out. I MUST GET SOME OF THIS.
What I Hate About Campaigning
THIS is exactly what I can't stand about the McCain-Palin campaign. I can't say it any better than Paul Krugman and the NYTimes.
But I can’t think of any precedent, at least in America, for the blizzard of lies since the Republican convention. The Bush campaign’s lies in 2000 were artful — you needed some grasp of arithmetic to realize that you were being conned. This year, however, the McCain campaign keeps making assertions that anyone with an Internet connection can disprove in a minute, and repeating these assertions over and over again.and ...
And now the team that hopes to form the next administration is running a campaign that makes Bush-Cheney 2000 look like something out of a civics class. What does that say about how that team would run the country?
What it says, I’d argue, is that the Obama campaign is wrong to suggest that a McCain-Palin administration would just be a continuation of Bush-Cheney. If the way John McCain and Sarah Palin are campaigning is any indication, it would be much, much worse.
Your Dates and Numbers and Time Frames
Birthdays are funny. The animal kingdom knows nothing of this practice since only the hyenas have a sense of humor albeit a mean, Bart Simpson-esque one at that. But us humans make a big deal of these dates and numbers and time frames.
And then a few more years fly by and that all fades with the weighty task of acknowledging the dates and numbers and time frames. Most of us (Mud) maintain our birthday joy. Others don't as their dates have a significance best left unspoken and not acknowledged. Their numbers reveal meaning. And their time frames illustrate a certain gravity. Gravity. The root word equates with grave.
Hell, I guess, maybe, you are right. What does it matter for you any way, we all are spiraling our way toward compost no matter what we do. So yeah, 50 in a couple years, not a big deal so don’t make it one. How one feels about it is pretty insignificant considering the bazillions of humans who have treaded this exact path before. Ones life is nothing more than a blip on the radar of a map of the universe. You spend a nano-instant flailing with other humans scratching out an existence that might mean something, or not. It’ll all be over before you know it anyway. You hurt. You pain. You hope you have a few good times along the way, like the rest of the human race. And then you die. It’ll have a date. It’ll recognize a couple of your numbers. And the time frame on the tombstone denotes the gravity of one’s life awake. If you’re lucky, some other schmucks might talk about you and say nice things. So, skip the celebration. Ignore the date. Numbers mean nothing. And that time thing (waggle a finger in the air), just an illusion. Forget it all.
I hope it isn't the case anymore. It should be your happy day. It was once a long time ago.
I was thinking about giving you an impossible, backwards gift in sort of "Groundhog Day"-esque fashion. It might not work for you, but it might if it created positive change. If I could I would give you the knowledge of the calendar day you are going to die. Not the year, just the month and the day. Then, every year when you live to see another day/year, you can celebrate the way that most of us celebrate birthdays. To live another year in a pursuit of joy and a good life.
I do hope you have a happy birthday. I do.
“Let them eat cake!” – UnknownAs kids, birthdays were the next best thing to Christmas for most of us. Maybe better even, as they encouraged an air of self-indulgence and certain rights to do stuff on the special day. Kids love that stuff. Birthdays are parties, presents, and a seat at the head of the table for a change.
And then a few more years fly by and that all fades with the weighty task of acknowledging the dates and numbers and time frames. Most of us (Mud) maintain our birthday joy. Others don't as their dates have a significance best left unspoken and not acknowledged. Their numbers reveal meaning. And their time frames illustrate a certain gravity. Gravity. The root word equates with grave.
Hell, I guess, maybe, you are right. What does it matter for you any way, we all are spiraling our way toward compost no matter what we do. So yeah, 50 in a couple years, not a big deal so don’t make it one. How one feels about it is pretty insignificant considering the bazillions of humans who have treaded this exact path before. Ones life is nothing more than a blip on the radar of a map of the universe. You spend a nano-instant flailing with other humans scratching out an existence that might mean something, or not. It’ll all be over before you know it anyway. You hurt. You pain. You hope you have a few good times along the way, like the rest of the human race. And then you die. It’ll have a date. It’ll recognize a couple of your numbers. And the time frame on the tombstone denotes the gravity of one’s life awake. If you’re lucky, some other schmucks might talk about you and say nice things. So, skip the celebration. Ignore the date. Numbers mean nothing. And that time thing (waggle a finger in the air), just an illusion. Forget it all.
I hope it isn't the case anymore. It should be your happy day. It was once a long time ago.
I was thinking about giving you an impossible, backwards gift in sort of "Groundhog Day"-esque fashion. It might not work for you, but it might if it created positive change. If I could I would give you the knowledge of the calendar day you are going to die. Not the year, just the month and the day. Then, every year when you live to see another day/year, you can celebrate the way that most of us celebrate birthdays. To live another year in a pursuit of joy and a good life.
I do hope you have a happy birthday. I do.
My NFL Week 1 Prognostication Results
From my previous post before the weekend.....
Washington Redskins (+3) at New York Giants
Giants won the game 16-7. Got that one.
Tampa Bay Bucs (+3.5) at New Orleans Saints
I said I was taking the Bucs and the points. And that the "Saints might win the game, but I think these two divisional foes will keep it within the 3.5 points." Well, I was a half a point on the wrong side of the prognostication as the Saints won it by 4 points. Close, but no cigar....
Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons (+2.5)
No comment.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans (+3.5)
As I said, "the underdog in this matchup is 7-2 against in the last 9 games." Glad I stuck to the stats. Titans win 17-10.
Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers (+2.5)
"Take the Cards in a highly entertaining, high scoring game," I wrote. It wasn't the high scoring affair I thought it would be, but the prediction still worked in my favor. Cards won 23-13.
The MNF Games
Minnesota Vikings (+2.5) at Green Bay Packers
The telling stats were: The road team is 10-2 against the spread and the underdog is 16-5 against the spread. So that is the Vikes and the Vikes. The stats will now show 10-3 and 16-6 and the Pack and the Pack. Got that one way wrong and Rodgers looked really, really good.
Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders (+1.5)
I was wrong on the low scoring game but right on with "the Raiders are 8-22 against the spread in their last 30 home games." So, I finish week 1 prognostications with a 4-3 record. I can live with that ... for now.
Washington Redskins (+3) at New York Giants
Giants won the game 16-7. Got that one.
Tampa Bay Bucs (+3.5) at New Orleans Saints
I said I was taking the Bucs and the points. And that the "Saints might win the game, but I think these two divisional foes will keep it within the 3.5 points." Well, I was a half a point on the wrong side of the prognostication as the Saints won it by 4 points. Close, but no cigar....
Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons (+2.5)
No comment.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans (+3.5)
As I said, "the underdog in this matchup is 7-2 against in the last 9 games." Glad I stuck to the stats. Titans win 17-10.
Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers (+2.5)
"Take the Cards in a highly entertaining, high scoring game," I wrote. It wasn't the high scoring affair I thought it would be, but the prediction still worked in my favor. Cards won 23-13.
The MNF Games
Minnesota Vikings (+2.5) at Green Bay Packers
The telling stats were: The road team is 10-2 against the spread and the underdog is 16-5 against the spread. So that is the Vikes and the Vikes. The stats will now show 10-3 and 16-6 and the Pack and the Pack. Got that one way wrong and Rodgers looked really, really good.
Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders (+1.5)
I was wrong on the low scoring game but right on with "the Raiders are 8-22 against the spread in their last 30 home games." So, I finish week 1 prognostications with a 4-3 record. I can live with that ... for now.
Codependent - A Work of Fiction
Lunch yesterday was at the office kitchen table. Being Friday, there was a lot of talk about the weekend plans sprinkled amongst the usual talk of who was eating what and who wanted to share this dressing and have a bite of that tuna concoction. I was the lone male at table of mostly slightly young(er), single women sprinkled with a couple of married moms. The women are aware I am divorcing and dating and that I am eligible, so to speak. Thus, I made an attempt to just eat my lunch, read my newspaper, and stay stealth.
I’m not going to recreate the exact conversation, just the highlights. I’m not that talented a writer and my memory for exact speech and styling a little foggy on a Saturday morning. But, amongst furtive glances to gauge my reaction, there was a fear being thrown around under the word “codependent”. Again, I buried myself in the paper.
Funny… Codependent. Is it an insult? It’s like it implies desperation, clinginess, and a palpable, pathetic persona.
“I just can’t see him again." ... "He drove me crazy with the always hanging at my place, eating all my food, calling me all the time, the constant IMing, and emailing stupid stuff." ... "He has codependent written all over him.”
I tried to wipe the capital “C” from my forehead before anyone saw it glowing red.
Their gist was crystal: It is bad to be reliant on another person for emotional support and, yes, love. These well educated women all agreed it was a sign of weakness. They shared stories, stories of men with the character flaw of wanting to be involved. And those stories spiraled downward with a pathetic picture of needy, incapable men with little value but for sex and a subject for gossip. The women portrayed themselves as self-sufficient, self-actualized, and strong. Dependence on another was all bad while the resemblance of Ayn Rand in pure female form, all good.
Now, I get this ideal. I’m rather Randian myself in my beliefs of the individual and self. But I couldn’t help but feel their thundering acknowledgements and “you go girls” to each other was counter productive, as if proving how independent they could be toward their potential mate made their bonds stronger somehow. Yet, I swear it wasn’t more than last week that I heard the exact opposite musings, “We had such a great time and he STILL hasn’t called me. No texting. No email. Nothing.” Or, “It’s his poker night. You’d think he would want to be with me on a Friday night.” And the, “I’ll use it as some quality alone time to catch up on my Soaps on TiVo.”
I guess you could say I’m confused. But I’m not. Extremes are becoming much more apart of my awareness in the human daily conflict that is this life. And it makes for great lunch time drama (no TiVo required). I think it is folly to think we can meander through this complex maze without the help and love and guidance and problems and issues brought about by others. I guess my solution here is that it would help if we all just admitted it outright.
I’ll admit it. I’m better with someone in my life than as a lone bachelor. I’ve always known that. I’m a good bachelor, too. I’ve been that guy before and succeeded that way in life. But, I don’t find a single thing wrong with wanting a certain person in my life who spends a chunk of her time wanting the same. If you share quality time, naked or clothed, with someone special I’d hope some sort of attachment follows suit. That isn’t weakness. That is strength. I’m stronger because of her. I am more confident. I’m. Just. Better.
“Mud! Mud!” I look up to a half dozen women looking at me stare at my food. A few snickers and giggles emerged from the other end of the table.
“I’m sorry. I zoned out,” laughing at myself and my day dream state. I clearly tuned them out. “What did you ask me?” I begged as I put my empty plate on top of my paper and sat up a little straighter.
“It must be nice to be on your own again. Do all those boy things without all the responsibilities. Are you enjoying all that guy stuff?” repeated the basic group questioning. I was surprised at the forwardness, honestly.
I smiled. “Oh, I’m not much of a bachelor these days. I’m dating just one, special girl. I guess you’d say I have a girlfriend.”
I’d caught them by surprise. There were a few, deep blinks and a silent swallowing of food as they stared at me at the end corner of the table waiting for more of an explanation. These strong, independent, professional engineers/architects and women weren’t prepared for me to contradict them. And I was about expose their collective façades.
“Um,” I paused and put my food down. I leaned back in my chair. “She inspires me to write poetry. I buy her flowers on as many Friday’s as I can and I think she likes that. I know the exact color of her coffee and to go lightly on the cilantro when I make her fajitas. And you know what, I like all that stuff. And I like learning more. The key, I think, is finding someone else who feels the same as you do and wants to be there on all the good stuff and the bad and still wants to be there, no matter what. I don't think we are codependent. We're too new. But I don't think codependent is a bad word at all.”
"Yeah. Well I wish my guy felt that way." ... and "Yeah, well, maybe." ... and "Hmmm. Mud, you are not normal."
Okay. I can work with that.
I’m not going to recreate the exact conversation, just the highlights. I’m not that talented a writer and my memory for exact speech and styling a little foggy on a Saturday morning. But, amongst furtive glances to gauge my reaction, there was a fear being thrown around under the word “codependent”. Again, I buried myself in the paper.
Funny… Codependent. Is it an insult? It’s like it implies desperation, clinginess, and a palpable, pathetic persona.
“I just can’t see him again." ... "He drove me crazy with the always hanging at my place, eating all my food, calling me all the time, the constant IMing, and emailing stupid stuff." ... "He has codependent written all over him.”
I tried to wipe the capital “C” from my forehead before anyone saw it glowing red.
Their gist was crystal: It is bad to be reliant on another person for emotional support and, yes, love. These well educated women all agreed it was a sign of weakness. They shared stories, stories of men with the character flaw of wanting to be involved. And those stories spiraled downward with a pathetic picture of needy, incapable men with little value but for sex and a subject for gossip. The women portrayed themselves as self-sufficient, self-actualized, and strong. Dependence on another was all bad while the resemblance of Ayn Rand in pure female form, all good.
Now, I get this ideal. I’m rather Randian myself in my beliefs of the individual and self. But I couldn’t help but feel their thundering acknowledgements and “you go girls” to each other was counter productive, as if proving how independent they could be toward their potential mate made their bonds stronger somehow. Yet, I swear it wasn’t more than last week that I heard the exact opposite musings, “We had such a great time and he STILL hasn’t called me. No texting. No email. Nothing.” Or, “It’s his poker night. You’d think he would want to be with me on a Friday night.” And the, “I’ll use it as some quality alone time to catch up on my Soaps on TiVo.”
I guess you could say I’m confused. But I’m not. Extremes are becoming much more apart of my awareness in the human daily conflict that is this life. And it makes for great lunch time drama (no TiVo required). I think it is folly to think we can meander through this complex maze without the help and love and guidance and problems and issues brought about by others. I guess my solution here is that it would help if we all just admitted it outright.
I’ll admit it. I’m better with someone in my life than as a lone bachelor. I’ve always known that. I’m a good bachelor, too. I’ve been that guy before and succeeded that way in life. But, I don’t find a single thing wrong with wanting a certain person in my life who spends a chunk of her time wanting the same. If you share quality time, naked or clothed, with someone special I’d hope some sort of attachment follows suit. That isn’t weakness. That is strength. I’m stronger because of her. I am more confident. I’m. Just. Better.
“Mud! Mud!” I look up to a half dozen women looking at me stare at my food. A few snickers and giggles emerged from the other end of the table.
“I’m sorry. I zoned out,” laughing at myself and my day dream state. I clearly tuned them out. “What did you ask me?” I begged as I put my empty plate on top of my paper and sat up a little straighter.
“It must be nice to be on your own again. Do all those boy things without all the responsibilities. Are you enjoying all that guy stuff?” repeated the basic group questioning. I was surprised at the forwardness, honestly.
I smiled. “Oh, I’m not much of a bachelor these days. I’m dating just one, special girl. I guess you’d say I have a girlfriend.”
I’d caught them by surprise. There were a few, deep blinks and a silent swallowing of food as they stared at me at the end corner of the table waiting for more of an explanation. These strong, independent, professional engineers/architects and women weren’t prepared for me to contradict them. And I was about expose their collective façades.
“Um,” I paused and put my food down. I leaned back in my chair. “She inspires me to write poetry. I buy her flowers on as many Friday’s as I can and I think she likes that. I know the exact color of her coffee and to go lightly on the cilantro when I make her fajitas. And you know what, I like all that stuff. And I like learning more. The key, I think, is finding someone else who feels the same as you do and wants to be there on all the good stuff and the bad and still wants to be there, no matter what. I don't think we are codependent. We're too new. But I don't think codependent is a bad word at all.”
"Yeah. Well I wish my guy felt that way." ... and "Yeah, well, maybe." ... and "Hmmm. Mud, you are not normal."
Okay. I can work with that.
Any Rand,
John McCain's Acceptance Speech Cliff Notes
Last night, I sort of watched John McCain's acceptance speech. I wasn't able to really give the speech the concentration I promised myself I would. I wanted to hear the DNC and RNC acceptance speeches equally. So, today at lunch I re-read the McCain speech. And I scoured it for substance. What I got, when you sort of boil it down, is this message:
I was a POW.Hmmmm! I was really hoping for more substance, not just a pep rally.
I'm a Maverick.
I fight.
Tax cuts - yes.
Education - yes.
Energy - yes.
Change in Washington - yes.
Vote for me.
Did I mention I'm a POW?
I Fight.
The Detroit Lions to Win the Super Bowl
So, the NFL season kicks off tonight. For the first time in years, I will be watching it all by myself. I won’t be cooking in my kitchen watching on the counter-top tv. I won’t be sharing replays with the family. It undoubtedly will be just me (and hopefully another), an HD TV, some chips and salsa, and a couple of beers. And I’m o.k. with that. I’m very much looking forward to it.
So here we are… the office pool is filled out. My fantasy teams (yes, plural) are complete and the starters in place. And my beloved Detroit Lions poised to have a good season. I am so ready for some football.
Here is what I think on a few select games for the weekend….
Washington Redskins (+3) at New York Giants
Tonight’s game is an interesting one. I think the big telling stats are that the Skins are 2-6-2 against the spread on their Week 1 games over the last ten years. They don’t start seasons off too well and are facing the Super Bowl Champions. So, I’m taking the Giants.
Tampa Bay Bucs (+3.5) at New Orleans Saints
The Bucs have a better than average defense but a questionable offense, yet they managed a 9-7 record and played in last years playoffs. The Saints are a darling of the media this year and could be a very good team. I see two telling stats. The road team between these two teams is 8-2 against the spread in the last 10 games and the underdog is 9-3 against the spread in the last 12 games. That points to the Bucs and the Bucs. So, I’m taking the Bucs and the points. The Saints might win the game, but I think these two divisional foes will keep it within the 3.5 points.
Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons (+2.5)
I always take Detroit because I am THE fan and they are my team. Plus, the Falcons are starting a rookie QB. I think this game will be interesting to watch the Lion’s new, rookie RB Kevin Smith go against the Falcons new RB Michael Turner. I also think Detroit QB Jon Kitna is going to connect quite a bit with his two WRs Roy Williams and Calvin Johnson. Oh, yeah, I’ll be following this game closely.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans (+3.5)
I like Jacksonville to do very well this year. Yet, these two played in Week 1 last year, as well. The Titans took that game by three points. I think it is going to be a repeat as the underdog in this matchup is 7-2 against in the last 9 games. The Jags might win, and I hope they do, but I think this another game that plays to a close score within the 3.5 points.
Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers (+2.5)
This is usually one of the more entertaining games of the year. Three of the last four meetings went over 45 total points and last November the score was 37-31 with the 9ers winning. 9ers also took last year’s season opener. So, if you’re in Vegas, take the over which is currently sitting at 41.5 points. As for who will win? I think the Cardinals might contend for the Division title this year (even over the Seahawks). The 9ers get the Mike Martz Offense Era started. Just ask Detroit how well THAT worked out for them over the last couple of years. Take the Cards in a highly entertaining, high scoring game.
The MNF Games
Minnesota Vikings (+2.5) at Green Bay Packers
The telling stats: The road team is 10-2 against the spread and the underdog is 16-5 against the spread. So that is the Vikes and the Vikes. Take the Vikes to not only cover but win it. Watch the Pack start the where is Bret chants.
Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders (+1.5)
Major game here. Neither team knows which of their three to four running backs they will utilize and that is going to slow this game down. The biggest telling stat that I see is the under is 9-4 in the last 13 meetings. Plus, the 1.5 spread shows a low scoring game. The other big stat is that the Raiders are 8-22 against the spread in their last 30 home games. Ouch. I say that trend continues and the Broncos find a way to edge the number for a win.
My Super Bowl prediction?
The Lions win the Super Bowl, of course. But I say that every year. But they just might do it this time because this is the first year in the last 20 years or so that I didn’t put $10 down on that bet. So, World, look out.
So here we are… the office pool is filled out. My fantasy teams (yes, plural) are complete and the starters in place. And my beloved Detroit Lions poised to have a good season. I am so ready for some football.
Here is what I think on a few select games for the weekend….
Washington Redskins (+3) at New York Giants
Tonight’s game is an interesting one. I think the big telling stats are that the Skins are 2-6-2 against the spread on their Week 1 games over the last ten years. They don’t start seasons off too well and are facing the Super Bowl Champions. So, I’m taking the Giants.
Tampa Bay Bucs (+3.5) at New Orleans Saints
The Bucs have a better than average defense but a questionable offense, yet they managed a 9-7 record and played in last years playoffs. The Saints are a darling of the media this year and could be a very good team. I see two telling stats. The road team between these two teams is 8-2 against the spread in the last 10 games and the underdog is 9-3 against the spread in the last 12 games. That points to the Bucs and the Bucs. So, I’m taking the Bucs and the points. The Saints might win the game, but I think these two divisional foes will keep it within the 3.5 points.
Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons (+2.5)
I always take Detroit because I am THE fan and they are my team. Plus, the Falcons are starting a rookie QB. I think this game will be interesting to watch the Lion’s new, rookie RB Kevin Smith go against the Falcons new RB Michael Turner. I also think Detroit QB Jon Kitna is going to connect quite a bit with his two WRs Roy Williams and Calvin Johnson. Oh, yeah, I’ll be following this game closely.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans (+3.5)
I like Jacksonville to do very well this year. Yet, these two played in Week 1 last year, as well. The Titans took that game by three points. I think it is going to be a repeat as the underdog in this matchup is 7-2 against in the last 9 games. The Jags might win, and I hope they do, but I think this another game that plays to a close score within the 3.5 points.
Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers (+2.5)
This is usually one of the more entertaining games of the year. Three of the last four meetings went over 45 total points and last November the score was 37-31 with the 9ers winning. 9ers also took last year’s season opener. So, if you’re in Vegas, take the over which is currently sitting at 41.5 points. As for who will win? I think the Cardinals might contend for the Division title this year (even over the Seahawks). The 9ers get the Mike Martz Offense Era started. Just ask Detroit how well THAT worked out for them over the last couple of years. Take the Cards in a highly entertaining, high scoring game.
The MNF Games
Minnesota Vikings (+2.5) at Green Bay Packers
The telling stats: The road team is 10-2 against the spread and the underdog is 16-5 against the spread. So that is the Vikes and the Vikes. Take the Vikes to not only cover but win it. Watch the Pack start the where is Bret chants.
Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders (+1.5)
Major game here. Neither team knows which of their three to four running backs they will utilize and that is going to slow this game down. The biggest telling stat that I see is the under is 9-4 in the last 13 meetings. Plus, the 1.5 spread shows a low scoring game. The other big stat is that the Raiders are 8-22 against the spread in their last 30 home games. Ouch. I say that trend continues and the Broncos find a way to edge the number for a win.
My Super Bowl prediction?
The Lions win the Super Bowl, of course. But I say that every year. But they just might do it this time because this is the first year in the last 20 years or so that I didn’t put $10 down on that bet. So, World, look out.
Brief Sports Talk Over the Morning Work Coffee
Mud: How was your weekend?
Female Friend: Went to a San Diego baseball game on Friday night with my dad. It was fun.
Mud: Cool. Who was playing?
Friend: San Diego! Hellloooooo!
Mud: ( ___________ )
Female Friend: Went to a San Diego baseball game on Friday night with my dad. It was fun.
Mud: Cool. Who was playing?
Friend: San Diego! Hellloooooo!
Mud: ( ___________ )
Summer ott8, not 2B4Got10
It is Labor Day. I am lounging and enjoying the end of summer in the only slacker way I know how.... I sort of have the entire day to listen to music, re-string my guitar, drink a beer or two, or watch some Bond on a HD. Later this afternoon I shall play in the kitchen as there is a dinner party to attend this evening. We must bring an appetizer and a salad.
I’m concocting a fun appetizer with a very bad name (new name suggestions are most welcome, so please comment). For lack of a more creative label, I call them Spinach Roll-Ups. Essentially, it is made with lime chutney and served with peanuts, coconut, chopped limes, and red onion. Each is rolled up in a large spinach leaf and served with freezer cold vodka shots. The salad is my Chinese Chicken Salad with mango and blueberries.
But I have a few hours to lounge. It seems this is as good a time as any to flex the fingers on this keyboard. I’ve been mostly running around iTunes these days and reading up on fantasy football dealings. Not much to tell you all. So, even if there isn’t much to report today, it does feel good to exercise my fingers.
The summer of ott 8 is all but gone now. June, July, and August all pretty much documented here on the screen and posts from EHTT. Ott 9 is right around the corner. None too soon, I think. Although, I’m not sure if really want time to move slower or more quickly these days. Depends on the day and the issues. Today, I want it slow way down. I want to extend a summer that will stay in my mind for a long, long time. Not 2B4GOT10, that is for sure…..
I’m concocting a fun appetizer with a very bad name (new name suggestions are most welcome, so please comment). For lack of a more creative label, I call them Spinach Roll-Ups. Essentially, it is made with lime chutney and served with peanuts, coconut, chopped limes, and red onion. Each is rolled up in a large spinach leaf and served with freezer cold vodka shots. The salad is my Chinese Chicken Salad with mango and blueberries.
But I have a few hours to lounge. It seems this is as good a time as any to flex the fingers on this keyboard. I’ve been mostly running around iTunes these days and reading up on fantasy football dealings. Not much to tell you all. So, even if there isn’t much to report today, it does feel good to exercise my fingers.
The summer of ott 8 is all but gone now. June, July, and August all pretty much documented here on the screen and posts from EHTT. Ott 9 is right around the corner. None too soon, I think. Although, I’m not sure if really want time to move slower or more quickly these days. Depends on the day and the issues. Today, I want it slow way down. I want to extend a summer that will stay in my mind for a long, long time. Not 2B4GOT10, that is for sure…..
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