
In 2009 + Life's Lyrics 18 - Brand New Day

New Year’s Eve has always been a source of trepidation. For some, it feels like a night of mandatory feting. Everyone dressing up in garb they might never wear again (comfortably maybe, but, probably not). It can be an expensive night. People marinate their brains on alcohol in order to forget the previous year. Or celebrate/dread the upcoming one. It can be more of a hyped-up holiday where one must attain a socially respectable level of enjoyment.

However much I enjoy a good party, this NYE brings about much needed reflection. For the majority of the year, 2008 sucked. But with it came a ton of great and encouraging people and events. Suffice it to say, I would have soberly stared at you, blinking unbelievably if you had hinted to me that in 2008 I would teeter-totter between extreme emotions while crying/laughing along at each one:
- Surviving divorce and now a reveling in a new Love;
- Bush anger and Obama hope;
- Leaving what has been my home (living out of suitcase through all of 2008) and now starting a new home from scratch (with a permanent place to put my toothbrush);
- Fearing economic upheaval and being thankful for a job I love;
- Losing my dog of 13 years and thriving with my non-profit work for the zoo;
- Cooking for one vs. cooking for my kids/friends/Girlfriend; and,
- I will not miss the countless remote hours alone in a small condo from hell but will always cherish the memories during the multiple travels with friends/loved ones.
If nothing else, 2008 was not boring. And you know what? I have no real regrets. Well, I might have done a few things better given a chance to revisit some things, but all in all I’ve come through the year looking forward 2009. I’ll be ok.

From Joshua Radin's acoustic little ditty (sounding very Cat Stevens-esque) are these lyrics from the song Brand New Day. I hope when you wake up on Thursday, January 1 on 2009, this is the first song you hear.
Some kind of magic
Happens late at night
When the moon smiles down at me
And bathes me in its light

I fell asleep beneath you
In the tall blades of grass
When I woke the world was new
I never had to ask

It’s a brand new day
The sun is shining
It’s a brand new day
For the first time in such a long long time
I know I’ll be ok

Most kind of stories
Save the best part for last
And most stories have a hero who finds
You make your past your past
Yeah you make your past your past

It’s a brand new day
The sun is shining
It’s a brand new day
For the first time in such a long long time
I know I’ll be ok

This cycle never ends
You gotta fall in order to mend

It’s a brand new day
It’s a brand new day
For the first time in such a long long time
I know I’ll be ok


On the Eighth Day of Christmas

On the Eighth Day of Christmas I gave my Love a gift.
Eight Festive Mugs (for coffee)

Seven Bows O' Mistletoe,
Six British Ales,
Five. Golden. Hoops.....
Four Purple Orn'ments,
Three Crimson Candles,
Two Christmas Mittens,
And a Photo in a Shadow Box Frame.

note (12.19.08): Giving a 5th grade teacher Christmas coffee mugs is sort of the equivalent to giving an Eskimo an ice cube maker. Smooth move, Genius....


On the Fifth Day of Christmas

On the Fifth Day of Christmas I gave my Love a gift.
Five. Golden. Hoops. (well ... two sets of earrings and a bracelet

Four Purple Orn'ments,
Three Crimson Candles,
Two Christmas Mittens,
And a Photo in a Shadow Box Frame.


On the Second Day of Christmas

On the Second Day of Christmas, I gave my Love a gift.
Two Christmas Mittens (pairs).

And a Photo in a Shadow Box Frame.

49er's Got Game

Unka Tim and I took the kids to their first NFL game. 49ers v NYJets. Quote of the day came from The Girlie:
Is Jet Favre on the New York Bretts?


'09 To Do List

I have come to a conclusion. It is now too late for some things to happen in my life. For example, becoming a Quarterback in the NFL was once at the top of my list. That won’t happen now for a ton of reasons. First, I’ve never played football outside of the neighborhood games in fifth/sixth grade and 40-somethin’ QBs rarely make it anymore. Second, eye-glasses don’t work well in a helmet. And third, I really don’t like getting sacked.

But the dream lives on as I can still throw a mean spiral really far (as long as I am willing to deal with the shoulder pain the next day).

I think it is also too late for me to join up with the British Secret Service. They can only have nine Double-O’s anyway and I think you actually have to be British. And being Ott-Seventy Three and holding down a desk job in the basement below Q just doesn’t quite have the same appeal. I also don’t want to die. For now.

The same goes for being a famed archeologist.

I can now accept those things will never happen. So, I’ve changed my focus and I am willing to try some new ideas while resurrecting some older ones. I’m not talking life purpose stuff. I’m saying I’ve started a mental to-do list for 2009. Yeah, I know, I know. I'm a month early. Bite me (in a nice, glad you're reading my blog sort of way).

My New Year’s Resolution is to tick off as many of the following things as possible (in no particular order):
•Review your Rules on a regular basis. They are your guide.
•Continue on as the Dad you know you are and stick to those beliefs. They need you. You need them.
•Keep blogging.
•Foster that Love. Write her more poetry. And flowers. Gifts are good. And more mix tapes/cds. She likes those.
•Take more photos with your kids.
•Smile more. Laugh even. It might crack your face, but who cares. You’re old(er).
•Divorce? What divorce?
•Practice patience and tolerance (see Divorce? What divorce?)
•Keep focused on your Non-Profit, volunteer President role. They need you. You need them.
•Get outta Dodge (Mudhole) more often.
•Review your Rules. I'm not kidding.
•Keep up that gym routine. Just get up and go. It’s only 5 a.m., right? Right!?
•Read before bed a couple nights a week. That stack of unread books is too high.
•Stick to that overly strict diet. You know the one: eat better, eat less, exercise regularly.
•Less beer – More wine
•Less t.v. – More music
•Hike (not football, but mountains).
•Simplify and get rid of stuff.
•Cook even more.
•Cook for friends even more.
•Attend more concerts and live music.
•Re-visit that screenplay you started.
•Review your Rules. Again. In fact, just post them on the fridge.
•Don’t go crazy, but get some new clothes. You look like a 40 some odd Dad that hasn’t bought some threads in the last 10-15 years.
•Sing in the car loudly and wave at those laughing at you. Don’t be embarrassed. They are just jealous of your amazing voice.
•Paint new art for the new house. It is YOUR house now. No more compromises. Paint what you like.
•Golf again (more than once a year).
•Get greener and reduce your carbon footprint.
•Stick to your new budget and put away some money for a rainy day.
•Call your mom, your dad, and your sister. Tell them not to worry. You’re not James Bond or Joe Montana, but life is good.


On the First Day of Chirstmas ...

On the First Day of Christmas, I gave my Love a gift.
A photo in a shadow box frame.