
Is it blog worthy?

Things come up often where I ponder if they are blog worthy. I mean, I don’t want to over share. For instance, last night I was watching the first television I’ve seen in, oh I don’t know, two weeks maybe, and I glanced out to see a hummingbird hanging outside the window above the t.v. At that very moment a large bug thing bounced out of the lamp shade next to the couch and landed on the wrist of my hand holding a pint glass a third full of beer. I flicked it and screamed, “Ahhhh!” like a little girl and promptly wet myself with a splash of Guinness onto my crotch. Enough beer that I had to contemplate if it was worth changing my pants. I vetoed the idea and continued watching t.v. in wet jeans smelling faintly of old beer. So – there. You heard it here first.

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