
10 Lessons Learned Today (and it is only half over)

1) Turning the alarm off to the new, bedside alarm clock is not the same thing as hitting snooze.

2) Trying to pull off a Casual Dress Thursday instead of a Friday is not a popular idea with some people

3) My corn salsa with black beans is still quite good for breakfast even after more than a week and a half in the fridge, especially with stale soy-flaxseed chips from TJ’s.

4) Constantly turning on your phone to see if you missed a call is a lot like hitting the send/receive button to see if you have an email or, better yet, watching a pan of water boil on the stove by constantly relighting the burner.

5) When one of those companies calls selling a newsletter for $100 a year, just say NO. Seriously. Don’t even think it sounds interesting despite being smack dab in the middle of your professional interests because you’ll never really get the newsletter or the invoice and then one day you get a collection call to your company with your name on it.

6) Be charming, warm, and sweet to Accounting ... ALWAYS.
(mental note: send a thank you card or at least an email)

7) Nix number three. Not so good now. Although I blame the chips not the salsa.

8) Lunch in the park is always a quality, alone time experience and fixes most minor, daily problems. It does help, though, to remember the plastic fork for your roasted vegetable salad.
(mental note: one must remember to stop using ink pens from the car as chopsticks when one's tongue starts to turn blue)

9) When the gas in your car is running low, it helps to remember to pocket your money clip with you debit cards out of the pants you wore the day before. You know, the ones you threw in the laundry basket! Asking co-workers for gas money home makes Casual Dress Thursday look like a walk in the park.
(mental note: go through pockets before doing the laundry tonight)

10) 5:00 p.m. is a long ways away.
(mental note: need more beer... lots)

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