
Out of Touch with that Inner Struggling Artist (ISA)

The Inner Struggling Artist (ISA) is that area in one’s brain that knows they’re brilliant at their “thing” and just haven’t been discovered yet. It is that part that so desperately needs the world to sit up and take notice. There is talent to share and when others start to understand that fact, everyone will be for the better. All those people that have criticized the art/work (or lack thereof) over the years will turn into suck ups. Ultimately when one only listens to the ISA, the echo back simply pleads for that ... One. Big. Break.

ISA = Waiting for the other shoe to drop

ISA = Train Wreck

ISA = Desperate Media Attention / Acceptance

ISA = The Parents of the Balloon Boy Hoax / MTV dramas / Kanye West

ISA ≠ True Artistic Value

ISA ≠ Success or Self Worth or True Happiness

The people who muddle through their lives being guided by their ISA either simply crave attention or thrive on getting beaten up. They require the daily drama. They probably can’t understand true, personal success and what it means to own it. As long as ISA rules, their daily flogging will continue. Every. Day.

Quite simply, pull Struggling out of the equation. Seriously! I just can't bare to watch you anymore.

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