
From Where She Comes

Nearly two months ago my daughter and I submitted poems to the local paper for their Poetry Month competition (From Soul to Paper). My submission was not selected this year (though I have placed it here). Mallory's was published. I am so proud of her.

Where I am From

Mallory Jaeger, 14, Atascadero

I am from marketers,
from dead winters and dry summers.
I am from grandma’s green beans
(buttered and sprinkled with breadcrumbs)
I am from the birds chirping, the dogs barking, whose voice echoes
throughout the neighborhood, bouncing off of garage doors.
I’m from possums and wine,
from Cuba and Germany.
I’m from the “leave me alones” and the “you don’t understands,”
from earthquakes and droughts.
I’m from the In-N-Out Burger
with the smell still lingering, attached to my tongue.
I’m from charm bracelets and notebooks,
classic rock and Jason Mraz.
From my father’s famous hand flip,
my mother’s fingers tapping a keyboard.
In the back cottage is a bookcase,
filled with notebooks and old memories to reminisce everyday.
I am from those journals —
wrote into my life —
I am the last entry.

Read more here: http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2013/04/26/2485885/from-soul-to-paper-a-celebration.html#storylink=cpy

1 comment:

This Confetti Life said...

Hooray Mallory! Wonderful poem!