I brought The Girlie back from LA with me yesterday. We blasted music and danced in our seats. It was a beautiful drive through Malibu and the coastal route home to MudHole.
At one point, the music got quiet and acoustic. We both became a bit introspective and alone in our thoughts. We watched the waves and a plethora of surfers awaiting the right wave.
The girlie reached over and lowered the volume and said, "Something is going on with tomatoes!" and then promptly turned the volume back to normal.
She didn't want an explanation. She just wanted to warn me because she knows I like tomatoes. "Thank you," I stated over the music. She smiled and went back to her thoughts while adjusting the skirt on her American Girl doll.
Life's Lyrics 5

I took a road trip down to LA this weekend for a number of reasons. The first reason was due to taking my son to the airport to join my folks in Colorado for a week. The other was to go see the O.A.R. concert at the House of Blues in Anaheim. So, you'd expect that I'd listen to O.A.R. at full blast the entire time... but NOooooo! I cranked a new song by Danielia Cotton called Bang My Drum.
Everybody’s got something that we can throw awayHer driving beat, guitar licks, and multi-layered vocals reached out and grabbed my ear. Granted I'm a whore for rockin' female folk, but still. This is good. It has a classic rock influence with a bunch of soul and gospel thrown in the mix.
‘Cause sometimes everybody’s got way too much to say
And I don’t know what happens when the night becomes the day
But I know every time I’m lost I always find my way
‘Cause it’s about survival
You can’t push me down
Cause I’ll just stand up
You can fool me twice
With all your stuff
I’ll just give it back
To where it came from
And I’ll sing my song
And Bang My Drum
And what comes around
Is what came before
And I won’t get caught
In your revolving door
I’ll just give it back
To where it came from
And I’ll sing my song
And Bang My Drum
I woke up this ‘mornin, walkin’ in the sun
I was underneath a shadow of, but not under the gun
And I thought I was finished, I was sure that I was done
I guess I’m not defeated, ‘cause it turned out that I won
‘Cause it’s about survival
UPDATE: While down in LA this weekend, I found myself at the Santa Fe Springs Swap Meet on Saturday. I have some new friends and I showed up in support of Highway to Hell, an AC/DC tribute band. And I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Then I got back to MudHole, I discovered a YouTube "Back in Black" from Danielia Cotton. It is no Highway to Hell, but ya'll know how much I geek on the cover songs. Check it out.
Life's Lyrics 4
I'm on my way to the O.A.R. concert at the Anaheim House of Blues tonight. From Daylight the Dog ... I'll be singing this lyric rather loud (if they play it).
There is something you need to know
Charge the wall
Tear down the hull
Make a point to have a point of view
It doesn't matter what you say
And no, I can't come out to play
Because I've got something else to do
Hoping for daylight to follow me
If your lost in the dark get to where you can see
There is somewhere we're supposed to be
And you know
In a matter of time you set yourself free
Hide and Seek / Hide and Think
Growing up in Michigan we had one t.v. channel ... I KNOW! ... It was a black and white one, too. Not that color made much difference with the Three Stooges shows. But, my point ... the Evening News ... it was soooo boring. Ironically, now I’m a news addict.
The thing about it, news was scarce in those days. My grandfather’s whole evening routine revolved around the evening news. And then it would be talked about over the family dinner.
I think as news consumers, we’ve gone from information infatuation to love to complete overload.
My dad has told stories of how he’d watch newsreels at the movies to see what was happening around the world. I know my kids were listening when he told the story, but their eyes were kind of glazed over. I don’t think they understood the whole news-time continuum thing because today you can open a laptop with high-speed wireless internet and view streaming video of just about anything in real time.
For years, I’ve had a subscription to the local newspaper. I’d read it front to back while enjoying my lunch hour. I still do. However, for the most part it is already old news. And I can “read” the rag in about 10 minutes.
With 24/7 news channels, sport channels, weather channels, federal/state/local government channels, and YouTube, I get all the info I need when and where I want it. Couple that with email, cell phone, car radio, podcasts that are downloaded to the iPod, and my daily blog reads, I easily get info overload on an hourly basis.
We are not lacking in information. Everybody is talking at the same time. It is almost white noise. And I’m starting to spend more time trying to turn it all off than feed my addiction. I no longer seek news out because it finds me on my own. I never wanted to know Britney Spears goes commando. But, I know that information. It found me. Not that that is news in anyway. But, it is taking up valuable brain space.
What IS hard to find, however, is journalists who are critical thinkers. They are hidden in the vast white noise of screaming information overload. Fair and balanced reporting has simply vanished it seems.
I don’t want to hear everything. I want it sorted out. I want a critical thinker to tell me the truth with no agendas or skewed opinions.
And I want to be engaged, enlightened. Make me think and wonder. Write well. Tell me a good story. If nothing else, be interesting. Make it memorable.
So, today I have a choice to make. I either get smarter about seeking out my information from the plethora of overloaded media or I just turn it all off. Because, if I see one more video of a guy dropping Mentos in bottles of Diet Coke I might seriously hide and think about moving to a cabin in the mountains and live completely off the grid.
The thing about it, news was scarce in those days. My grandfather’s whole evening routine revolved around the evening news. And then it would be talked about over the family dinner.
I think as news consumers, we’ve gone from information infatuation to love to complete overload.
My dad has told stories of how he’d watch newsreels at the movies to see what was happening around the world. I know my kids were listening when he told the story, but their eyes were kind of glazed over. I don’t think they understood the whole news-time continuum thing because today you can open a laptop with high-speed wireless internet and view streaming video of just about anything in real time.
For years, I’ve had a subscription to the local newspaper. I’d read it front to back while enjoying my lunch hour. I still do. However, for the most part it is already old news. And I can “read” the rag in about 10 minutes.
With 24/7 news channels, sport channels, weather channels, federal/state/local government channels, and YouTube, I get all the info I need when and where I want it. Couple that with email, cell phone, car radio, podcasts that are downloaded to the iPod, and my daily blog reads, I easily get info overload on an hourly basis.
We are not lacking in information. Everybody is talking at the same time. It is almost white noise. And I’m starting to spend more time trying to turn it all off than feed my addiction. I no longer seek news out because it finds me on my own. I never wanted to know Britney Spears goes commando. But, I know that information. It found me. Not that that is news in anyway. But, it is taking up valuable brain space.
What IS hard to find, however, is journalists who are critical thinkers. They are hidden in the vast white noise of screaming information overload. Fair and balanced reporting has simply vanished it seems.
I don’t want to hear everything. I want it sorted out. I want a critical thinker to tell me the truth with no agendas or skewed opinions.
And I want to be engaged, enlightened. Make me think and wonder. Write well. Tell me a good story. If nothing else, be interesting. Make it memorable.
So, today I have a choice to make. I either get smarter about seeking out my information from the plethora of overloaded media or I just turn it all off. Because, if I see one more video of a guy dropping Mentos in bottles of Diet Coke I might seriously hide and think about moving to a cabin in the mountains and live completely off the grid.
Life's Lyrics 3
From Heirloom Projector. Sweet to Mend. A great song when feeling restless at 1 a.m. and the wind is moving the trees.
you stretch your eyes
i'm only sleeping in my head
i got the wrong day
winds against my skin
and anyway the last thing i recall
is getting talk from a friend on the back porch, on the back porch
you should just start all over again
the moon shuts down like the bar across the street
and i cant tell ground from sky
its all the same endless broken repeats
is it me or the drinks when its all done, when its all done, when its all done
Tequila War
I've found myself discussing tequila more than usual. Not a bad thing, really. So, I was on line looking for something tequila-ish and special and I stumbled upon this little piece of video art. It made me laugh. Apparently, Dos Lunas had a Youtube contest to make a homemade video. Here is the winner.
The others are funny, too.
The others are funny, too.
A Bond, James Bond
Times have changed. Decades ago sons would be mentored by their fathers, preparing themselves for the time when they’d take over the family farm or the furniture business, join the law firm after school, become a teacher, or essentially follow in their father’s footsteps in some way. The Industrial Revolution took fathers away into factories where kids couldn’t really see “Dad in action”. And now, modern divorce rates have started a trend of “weekend dads” or, in my case, an “every other week dad”.
I miss the daily, close proximity which I think is healthy for my son (and daughter). But, it is what it is, and I make it a priority to put my energies into something that can resonate. If modern ways have led to a physical separation for periods of time, I need to find way of keeping the sacred father-son bond intact.
So ... we bond, James Bond.
Last night, my son and I found ourselves home alone as The Girlie spent the night at a friend’s house.
My son asked sheepishly, “What do you want to do? Rent some video games and hang out?” He obviously wanted interaction with his dad.
“Yeah,” I thought. I searched for something in my brain that could be somewhat bonding and accomplished without spending any money. “Let’s see ... You’ve got leftover pizza and I want to make these crab cakes so I have lunches this week. But yeah, let’s make dinner, take some beverages up to the couch and just hang.”
So we set out making dinner. He even helped me chop up the red onions and cilantro. He heated up his pizza and he watched me pan fry my crab cakes. We talked. We quickly cleaned up. I grabbed a beer, he a glass of milk, and we headed up the stairs to the couch.
“Want to watch a movie?” he suggested. “You haven’t let me watch that new Bond movie, yet!” He’s good. He knows it is my favorite. And we’ve been letting him watch PG-13s these days.
“Absolutely,” I enthusiastically responded. “Put, it in and cue it up.”
And we watched it together and heartily laughed at this ...
Granted, we only watched a movie. We paused it numerous times so I could explain the subtleties of the Bond thing. We had a great time. We Bonded.
I believe if I make it a priority, as a father, to pass on my knowledge and experience, my son will reap the benefits. He will have a sense of place and a personal identity. Tonight we cooked and just hung out. It is debatable as to what he might have gleaned from James Bond. But there are worse roll models out there. Right?
I miss the daily, close proximity which I think is healthy for my son (and daughter). But, it is what it is, and I make it a priority to put my energies into something that can resonate. If modern ways have led to a physical separation for periods of time, I need to find way of keeping the sacred father-son bond intact.
So ... we bond, James Bond.
Last night, my son and I found ourselves home alone as The Girlie spent the night at a friend’s house.
My son asked sheepishly, “What do you want to do? Rent some video games and hang out?” He obviously wanted interaction with his dad.
“Yeah,” I thought. I searched for something in my brain that could be somewhat bonding and accomplished without spending any money. “Let’s see ... You’ve got leftover pizza and I want to make these crab cakes so I have lunches this week. But yeah, let’s make dinner, take some beverages up to the couch and just hang.”
So we set out making dinner. He even helped me chop up the red onions and cilantro. He heated up his pizza and he watched me pan fry my crab cakes. We talked. We quickly cleaned up. I grabbed a beer, he a glass of milk, and we headed up the stairs to the couch.
“Want to watch a movie?” he suggested. “You haven’t let me watch that new Bond movie, yet!” He’s good. He knows it is my favorite. And we’ve been letting him watch PG-13s these days.
“Absolutely,” I enthusiastically responded. “Put, it in and cue it up.”
And we watched it together and heartily laughed at this ...
Vesper Lynd: [after discussing poker skills on the train] What else can you surmise, Mr. Bond?It is good Bond dialogue.
James Bond: About you, Miss Lynd? Well, your beauty's a problem. You worry you won't be taken seriously.
Vesper Lynd: Which one can say of any attractive woman with half a brain.
James Bond: True. But this one overcompensates by wearing slightly masculine clothing. Being more aggressive than her female colleagues. Which gives her a somewhat *prickly* demeanor, and ironically enough, makes it less likely for her to be accepted and promoted by her male superiors, who mistake her insecurities for arrogance. Now, I'd have normally gone with "only child," but by the way you ignored the quip about your parents... I'm going to have to go with "orphan."
Vesper Lynd: All right... by the cut of your suit, you went to Oxford or wherever. Naturally you think human beings dress like that. But you wear it with such disdain, my guess is you didn't come from money, and your school friends never let you forget it. Which means that you were at that school by the grace of someone else's charity: hence that chip on your shoulder. And since your first thought about me ran to "orphan," that's what I'd say you are.
[he smiles but says nothing]
Vesper Lynd: Oh, you are? I like this poker thing. And that makes perfect sense! Since MI6 looks for maladjusted young men, who give little thought to sacrificing others in order to protect queen and country. You know... former SAS types with easy smiles and expensive watches.
[Glances at his wrist]
Vesper Lynd: Rolex?
James Bond: Omega.
Vesper Lynd: Beautiful. Now, having just met you, I wouldn't go as far as calling you a cold-hearted bastard...
James Bond: No, of course not.
Vesper Lynd: But it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine. You think of women as disposable pleasures, rather than meaningful pursuits. So as charming as you are, Mr. Bond, I will be keeping my eye on our government's money - and off your perfectly-formed arse.
James Bond: You noticed?
Vesper Lynd: Even accountants have imagination. How was your lamb?
James Bond: Skewered! One sympathizes.
Granted, we only watched a movie. We paused it numerous times so I could explain the subtleties of the Bond thing. We had a great time. We Bonded.
I believe if I make it a priority, as a father, to pass on my knowledge and experience, my son will reap the benefits. He will have a sense of place and a personal identity. Tonight we cooked and just hung out. It is debatable as to what he might have gleaned from James Bond. But there are worse roll models out there. Right?
In possession of ...
Why does the restaurant Chili's have an apostrophe in the name? That signifies possession of something, right? So, Chili's has what?
I'm over thinking again, I guess.
I'm over thinking again, I guess.
Life's Lyrics 2
The photo came about from lying by the pool looking up at the Tuscan sky. Yes, I said it, Under the Tuscan Sky .... this is what I saw and took a picture of it.
The lyrics come from another recent music addiction, ZOX and a song called Goodnight.
There is something beautiful dying every day
And for the first time in my life I'm not afraid
'Cause there's nothing in this world that doesn't change
Goodnight to the person I have been
To the place that I am in
Goodnight tomorrow, hello to the sun
Are your ready? Here I come *goodnight*
Sometimes I stand between the sidewalk and the sky
And just stare into the clouds as they pass by
You have to leave the ground to learn to fly
A tavola non si invecchia
However one approaches Tuscany (Toscana), one comes to understand the definition of beauty and perfection much better. It is the cradle of the Renaissance and the home to Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Vespucci, Puccini, and countless other geniuses, artists, and inventors. To say Toscana is inspirational is not giving this magnificent part of the world its due credit.
Then there is the food and wine, art, architecture, and a landscape of lined cypress trees cresting rolling hilltops framing well-groomed vineyards. Everything seems to easily translate into a poetic image capable of encapsulating the experience into brush strokes or music.
There is an expression in Italy, “A tavola non si invecchia” which is, “At the table one does not age.” It goes right to the heart of the notion that the Italian meal is meant to be an experience of good feelings enjoyed with others. It is to be a source of pleasure and relaxation.
Tuscan food corresponds to my notion of eating well. We had crostini, fettunta, finocchiona and prosciutto. I had wild boar and a curled pasta called pici. On the coast one day, I had a fish plate called cacciucco, which is sort of a fish-and-seafood stew. I made risotto one evening at the villa and although I’ve made it countless times it seemed to come alive with local ingredients. And, I got creative with bruschetta for Krys.
In Siena one night, we made an early reservation for L’Osteria on Via dei Rossi. It was well worth the walk. The crostini was excellent, pasta e fagioli and the pici amazing. And the wild boar was memorable.
We only drank locally produced, Tuscan wines…. Brunello di Montalcino, Chianti, Chianti Classico, and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. We shared one of the few white wines produced in the area, Vernaccia di San Gimignano. The wine brought us all together as we shared the love of the land and one of its most sublime products.
Dining in Italy is not just about nourishment. It is all about the interaction with restaurateurs and one's dining companions.
Fred and Ginger
Prague is a phenomenal study in architecture as most of the historic core escaped damage in WWII. The city boasts over 1500 designated cultural monuments. And I resisted my geekish tendencies to bring a sketchbook on the trip. I settled for a few pictures en route to the next bar instead. However, I had to stop and gape at the idiosyncratic Dancing Building designed by Prague architect Vlado Milunic and American Frank Gehry.
I heard that the older generation has thrown much criticism at the project calling it another devastating American bomb. The younger generation seems to like it. But, in contrast to the bland communist era, functional projects and the Gothic/Renaissance/Baroque era architecture, this is a bold and innovative work.
It is nicknamed “Fred and Ginger” for the legendary duo of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It fits.
The Blog Title and Why
It has been brought to my attention that I haven’t explained the title of this blog and the “throw away” lyric that inspired the name. I’ve been remiss.
There is a song by Rickie Lee Jones called “Jolie, Jolie”. Now wait … Seriously … Give me break and some latitude here … I will admit I have a soft spot in my heart passed down from the countless girlfriends (and a former wife) who followed the various female folk of the moment and the history of women musicians/singers who came before them. As a consummate student of music and the arts, I’ve learned to appreciate them all. And for the record, I went through my iPod and pulled down the following list in the following categories as I see them.....
Because a library isn’t complete without:
- Bonnie Raitt
- Emmylou Harris
- Oleta Adams
- Nina Simone
- Etta James (not folk, but all woman)
- Dolly Parton (“She Drives Me Crazy” cover makes me laugh)
- Texas
Because they are just too cool:
- Joan Jones (Sun 60)
- Shawn Colvin
- Michelle Shocked
- Gail Swanson
- Cassandra Wilson
- Dixie Chicks
- Norah Johnes
- LeAnne Rimes
- Madeleine Peyroux
- Melissa Ferrick
- Holly Cole
- Susan Tedeschi
- Texas
Reminds me of a time and place:
- Edie Brickel (Mrs. Paul Simon)
- John Mayer
- Mandy Moore
- Michelle Branch
- Two Nice Girls (All three of them)
- Texas
Because she rocks:
- Some of the above fit here, too.
- KT Tunstall
- Sydney Forest (“Gonna fly” from “Kiki’s” rocks in an acoustic sort of way)
- Texas
- Samantha Stollenwerck
- Heart
- Melissa Ethridge
- Jill Knight
So, why “Even Happier Than That” ? I don’t know. It hit a cord. It registered with my brain. Listen to it and tell me if this song doesn’t just set a mood. It’s a place where you can relax and enjoy the moment. The song makes me want to open a Corona with a lime or a Guiness or a cigar with a single malt scotch. And the way she says that line is EVERYTHING about chillin’ and goin’ with the moment. It’s cool folk. There is some jazz. There is attitude. Isn’t that what this blog is all about?
“Even happier than that! … Uh!” Emphasis on the “Uh!.”
There is a song by Rickie Lee Jones called “Jolie, Jolie”. Now wait … Seriously … Give me break and some latitude here … I will admit I have a soft spot in my heart passed down from the countless girlfriends (and a former wife) who followed the various female folk of the moment and the history of women musicians/singers who came before them. As a consummate student of music and the arts, I’ve learned to appreciate them all. And for the record, I went through my iPod and pulled down the following list in the following categories as I see them.....
Because a library isn’t complete without:
- Bonnie Raitt
- Emmylou Harris
- Oleta Adams
- Nina Simone
- Etta James (not folk, but all woman)
- Dolly Parton (“She Drives Me Crazy” cover makes me laugh)
- Texas
Because they are just too cool:
- Joan Jones (Sun 60)
- Shawn Colvin
- Michelle Shocked
- Gail Swanson
- Cassandra Wilson
- Dixie Chicks
- Norah Johnes
- LeAnne Rimes
- Madeleine Peyroux
- Melissa Ferrick
- Holly Cole
- Susan Tedeschi
- Texas
Reminds me of a time and place:
- Edie Brickel (Mrs. Paul Simon)
- John Mayer
- Mandy Moore
- Michelle Branch
- Two Nice Girls (All three of them)
- Texas
Because she rocks:
- Some of the above fit here, too.
- KT Tunstall
- Sydney Forest (“Gonna fly” from “Kiki’s” rocks in an acoustic sort of way)
- Texas
- Samantha Stollenwerck
- Heart
- Melissa Ethridge
- Jill Knight
So, why “Even Happier Than That” ? I don’t know. It hit a cord. It registered with my brain. Listen to it and tell me if this song doesn’t just set a mood. It’s a place where you can relax and enjoy the moment. The song makes me want to open a Corona with a lime or a Guiness or a cigar with a single malt scotch. And the way she says that line is EVERYTHING about chillin’ and goin’ with the moment. It’s cool folk. There is some jazz. There is attitude. Isn’t that what this blog is all about?
“Even happier than that! … Uh!” Emphasis on the “Uh!.”
An explanation first ... My (soon to be) Ex-Wife and I have an unusual arrangement during our legal separation and pending divorce. We both share the house and a condo. We rotate weeks, Friday to Friday, with the kids in the house while the other lives in a rented condo across town. On Fridays, we switch back. There is a legal term for it called Bird Nesting or a Nesting Agreement.
When the realization of getting divorced punched me square in the gut, one of the numerous panic attacks I felt was the overwhelming feeling that, being male, my time would be limited with the kids. That seemed to be the typical scenario fallout for most men. I’d be forced into a roll as a weekend dad and that was just not good for me. I’m a very hands-on, participatory dad (I do their laundry, make their lunches, monitor their homework, etc.) So, when the nesting idea flitted by in a conversation, I asked a lot of questions and hit the legal websites to find out more information.
Nesting is unique and is very kid centric. The kids stay in the house instead of being forced to go back and forth between parents. Nothing at home changes. Except for the fact that only one parent is present in the house at a time. And if grades are any indication of how successful this arrangement is, the kids improved in school showing no signs of stress due to the separation. Their worlds didn’t really change that much. And with only one parent in the house at a time, there doesn't seem to be much tension in the air anymore.
The other reason for keeping the house was purely economic. Right now is not the time to sell the house. We don’t really know what 2009 will hold for the MudHole housing market, but I’m hopeful.
This article from the SFGate, illustrates how this works rather nicely. It’s different in that these parents live in different places outside of the house, while we currently share a one bedroom condo across town. And we rarely find ourselves in the same room together, much less the house. But, the nesting concept works ... For now!
When the realization of getting divorced punched me square in the gut, one of the numerous panic attacks I felt was the overwhelming feeling that, being male, my time would be limited with the kids. That seemed to be the typical scenario fallout for most men. I’d be forced into a roll as a weekend dad and that was just not good for me. I’m a very hands-on, participatory dad (I do their laundry, make their lunches, monitor their homework, etc.) So, when the nesting idea flitted by in a conversation, I asked a lot of questions and hit the legal websites to find out more information.
Nesting is unique and is very kid centric. The kids stay in the house instead of being forced to go back and forth between parents. Nothing at home changes. Except for the fact that only one parent is present in the house at a time. And if grades are any indication of how successful this arrangement is, the kids improved in school showing no signs of stress due to the separation. Their worlds didn’t really change that much. And with only one parent in the house at a time, there doesn't seem to be much tension in the air anymore.
The other reason for keeping the house was purely economic. Right now is not the time to sell the house. We don’t really know what 2009 will hold for the MudHole housing market, but I’m hopeful.
This article from the SFGate, illustrates how this works rather nicely. It’s different in that these parents live in different places outside of the house, while we currently share a one bedroom condo across town. And we rarely find ourselves in the same room together, much less the house. But, the nesting concept works ... For now!
Detached Vacation
A few weeks ago (geez, a month ago now), I returned from a two week romp in Europe with close friends. For obvious, or maybe not so obvious, reasons it was a much need vacation. It gave me the chance to put my failed marriage behind me and get my head on straight. But, the next few travel posts (mixed in with the current randomness) are about six countries in six days and a week in Italy.
This was the type of vacation few of us ever really take. We all share the idea of a true vacation while sipping over-priced, double-shotted, grande, low-fat mochas while balancing a laptop on our knees and ignoring the cell phones set on vibrate. And, I’m no different than most of you. We all tend to shave a few days off work for a mental recess to hang someplace. Yet, not enough of us are able to completely detach from our regular ways of life. The usual excuses keep us from this minor miracle. “My life simply won’t allow me the luxury” or “Work is too important” or “your excuse here”.
Physically lifting myself up and getting out of Dodge was not difficult this time. It was easy for me to run away. And the quiet moments set my mind spinning around the concepts of simplicity, true value, and what is important.
I've changed. And I'm going to make more time to detach in the future.
This was the type of vacation few of us ever really take. We all share the idea of a true vacation while sipping over-priced, double-shotted, grande, low-fat mochas while balancing a laptop on our knees and ignoring the cell phones set on vibrate. And, I’m no different than most of you. We all tend to shave a few days off work for a mental recess to hang someplace. Yet, not enough of us are able to completely detach from our regular ways of life. The usual excuses keep us from this minor miracle. “My life simply won’t allow me the luxury” or “Work is too important” or “your excuse here”.
Physically lifting myself up and getting out of Dodge was not difficult this time. It was easy for me to run away. And the quiet moments set my mind spinning around the concepts of simplicity, true value, and what is important.
I've changed. And I'm going to make more time to detach in the future.
Life's Lyrics
My college beer money came from working various radio stations around the Central Coast. However, my true musical learning (besides growing up under the baton of a symphony conductor father) came from my stints at the college radio station, KCPR. I'm a geek for music of all kinds. My influences are varied and wide.
So, since I named this site after a random, eclectic lyric I'm going to regularly share my musical addiction of the week (or month). It'll be an interesting theme into what makes me tick. I'll keep it pertinent. I'll keep it brief. I'll try not to be trite or predictable.
From Matt the Electrician, I give you my favorite lyric from the song Milo.
So, since I named this site after a random, eclectic lyric I'm going to regularly share my musical addiction of the week (or month). It'll be an interesting theme into what makes me tick. I'll keep it pertinent. I'll keep it brief. I'll try not to be trite or predictable.
From Matt the Electrician, I give you my favorite lyric from the song Milo.
.... And the hours felt like the rocksI so get that.
That they used to build the pyramids.....
Even Happier Than That
Notes to self:
Rule 1 – Learn to Trust again. Find someone to trust and try trusting them for a while.
Rule 2 – Get everything out of your work. Work is rewarding in and of itself.
Rule 3 – Be a good friend. Help someone else.
Rule 4 – Experiment. Play. Flirt. Enjoy Yourself. This is lighter than you think.
Rule 5 – Be self disciplined. Slacking is not an option.
Rule 6 – There is no win and no fail. There is only make. Make.
Rule 7 – Work hard toward something. If you work it will lead to more. It is the people who do all the work all the time who eventually catch on to things.
Rule 8 – Don’t try to create and analyze at the same time. They are different processes.
Rule 9 – Always be around. Come or go to everything.
Rule 10 – Invent new rules next week.
Rule 1 – Learn to Trust again. Find someone to trust and try trusting them for a while.
Rule 2 – Get everything out of your work. Work is rewarding in and of itself.
Rule 3 – Be a good friend. Help someone else.
Rule 4 – Experiment. Play. Flirt. Enjoy Yourself. This is lighter than you think.
Rule 5 – Be self disciplined. Slacking is not an option.
Rule 6 – There is no win and no fail. There is only make. Make.
Rule 7 – Work hard toward something. If you work it will lead to more. It is the people who do all the work all the time who eventually catch on to things.
Rule 8 – Don’t try to create and analyze at the same time. They are different processes.
Rule 9 – Always be around. Come or go to everything.
Rule 10 – Invent new rules next week.
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