
Summer ott8, not 2B4Got10

It is Labor Day. I am lounging and enjoying the end of summer in the only slacker way I know how.... I sort of have the entire day to listen to music, re-string my guitar, drink a beer or two, or watch some Bond on a HD. Later this afternoon I shall play in the kitchen as there is a dinner party to attend this evening. We must bring an appetizer and a salad.

I’m concocting a fun appetizer with a very bad name (new name suggestions are most welcome, so please comment). For lack of a more creative label, I call them Spinach Roll-Ups. Essentially, it is made with lime chutney and served with peanuts, coconut, chopped limes, and red onion. Each is rolled up in a large spinach leaf and served with freezer cold vodka shots. The salad is my Chinese Chicken Salad with mango and blueberries.

But I have a few hours to lounge. It seems this is as good a time as any to flex the fingers on this keyboard. I’ve been mostly running around iTunes these days and reading up on fantasy football dealings. Not much to tell you all. So, even if there isn’t much to report today, it does feel good to exercise my fingers.

The summer of ott 8 is all but gone now. June, July, and August all pretty much documented here on the screen and posts from EHTT. Ott 9 is right around the corner. None too soon, I think. Although, I’m not sure if really want time to move slower or more quickly these days. Depends on the day and the issues. Today, I want it slow way down. I want to extend a summer that will stay in my mind for a long, long time. Not 2B4GOT10, that is for sure…..

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